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HomeAbout CCC

What does the Cincinnati Cycle Club offer?

  • The opportunity to meet people that share your passion for cycling through cycling groups, social activites and recognition.
  • The chance to keep money in your wallet through discounts at participating bike shops and vendors, discounts on CCC event rides and supplemental insurance.
  • The abilility to ride almost any day you want through scheduled club rides, fully supported event rides and member only rides.
  • The ability to help you hit your goals through training rides and reward programs
  • Promotion of cycling safety and education with coaching and training events

The Cincinnati Cycle Club is an organization to meet people that share your passion for cycling

  • Clusters – Local cycling communities focused on geographic areas around the city
  • Social activities – A variety of social gatherings held by the club and within the clusters, including after ride picnics, cluster picnics, Ride to the Reds and more.
  • Recognition – Special rides and recognition for our volunteers and rider achievement

The Cincinnati Cycle Club is an organization that helps keep money in your wallet

  • Discounts at participating bike shops and bike friendly vendors. A list of these discounts is available here.
  • Discounts on all major CCC Event Rides, like the Chili Ride and GPRR
  • Insurance – Liability for ride leaders and supplemental health coverage for club members

The Cincinnati Cycle Club is an organization that enables you to ride almost any day you want

  • Over 1,000 rides annually, with varying speeds and challenges
  • Regularly scheduled Club Rides led by experienced leaders
  • Fully supported Event Rides that typically attract 100s of riders.
  • Member Only Rides including our Spring Opener, Destination Rides and Overnight Rides

The Cincinnati Cycle Club is an organization to help you hit your goals

  • Training - Many group rides are focused on helping riders improve their skills or train for a specific event, such as a first century or a charity ride
  • Reward – Programs like Brevet de Randonneur and Commuter Mileage Tracking, that recognizes major cycling accomplishments

The Cincinnati Cycle Club is an organization that promotes cycling safety and education

  • Coaching - Experienced cyclists, some certified in coaching or instructing, willing to provide advice and mentor you when needed
  • Training Events on safe riding and bike maintenance 
